
Why music?

©Petra Ambrosi

©Petra Ambrosi


Rather by chance I found myself playing the lute at the age of ten.

I owe the luck of this particular incident to Maurizio Baghin and Dario Pivato (my first lute teacher). As part of the school project “Dolce Consort” they introduced me to this instrument – which was quite unusual for a boy of that age.

However I would say that I received my first musical "education" a few years earlier thanks to my older brother and all the music he listened to: grunge, metal, rock, reggae and more. I consider these experiences the true beginning of my passion for music and the joy of listening and for that I am very grateful to my brother.

The idea of concentrating my relationship with music in one specific genre of music has always made me feel very claustrophobic. For this reason, I have always tried to open other doors to other types of music than those related to my main instruments (lutes). First I played electric guitar and keyboards, then I studied composition and jazz improvisation.

© Raffaella Vismara 2017

© Raffaella Vismara 2017

Two of the experiences that I personally count among the most important of my first musical journey and – in a sense – of my life, occurred during my adolescence.

At the age of about fourteen I was lucky to meet Michele Giollo – a dear friend who died a few years later in a tragic accident – a musician and electric bassist with whom I shared my first tries with the electric guitar and visions about music, whose unconventional character was inspirational to me. A person of whom I keep a fond memory full of affection.

The other important episode is the one related to my first band: with some of my friends we founded a group dedicated to progressive rock of the early 70s called Ker L'Evrith, a completely invented name. It was an experience so exciting and overwhelming that from that moment on I decided to do everything to become a professional musician.

 During my training I was lucky enough to meet teachers to whom I owe much: among others I would like to thank Massimo Lonardi, Tiziano Bagnati, Riccardo Vaglini and Michele Calgaro for their importance in my years of study.

